About our Project


Our story is similar to a lot of communities. We were new to a neighborhood in Port Alberni, and just down the street there was a great green space with; a set of monkey bars , and a two seat swing.

Almost a year later, the kids had lost interest in the park and started riding their bikes around the block. One evening my daughter’s came home crying, and screaming, that someone physically hit her in the face.

After the initial shock and acceptance of what had really happened, I started to get angry and wonder if there really was something bad about our neighborhood.

It wasn’t the neighborhood!

Yes we do live on a side of town that is considered less desirable, but I truly believe that, if the kids had somewhere to play. A place where families frequented, the area would become safer, and a lot more fun!

I believe the higher volume of families using the park for its purpose, would overtime discourage those who are causing problems.

Weaver Park use to boast a wading pool, as well as a full baseball diamond, numerous slides and climbing structures, and a larger wooden sign, that stated the name, Weaver Park!

Many residents were not even aware of the name of the park; while others are saddened by how this park has lost its appeal. I contacted the Mayor and newspaper to inquire about why the park was in such a diminishing and appalling state, considering its former glory!

My meeting with the Mayor and city officials determined there was only enough money in the budget for repairs not upgrading. The city suggested I would have to raise approximately $70, 000 to fix it up to the safety codes today.

Obviously one person cannot raise that kind of money.

Thankfully we were successful with a foundation called (Let Them Be Kids). Their goal is to build 100 playgrounds across Canada by the end of 2012!

They have awarded us a Let Them Be Kids Helping Hand Award!

Which provides a  50/50 match opportunity, which gives the community, a dollar of equipment buying power, for every fifty cents we raise, which helps to significantly cover the costs of the structure, and equipment,towards our goal of revitalizing our neighbourhood and playground.

My desired outcome of this project is to see a community that has lost their spirit, come together, and help build a play park.

As well as create a safer place for our children to grow up and feel safe, perhaps even to teach our children, that if you work together, you can accomplish anything!